Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Why Mumbai Is A Great City!

And there are no comparisons here. It is not in many places that you can see this. Humanity displayed, people connecting with each other across the often seen barriers of class and caste - this is what makes Mumbai such a great city. The Mumbai blasts were dastardly acts of desperate people trying to cause havoc. But Mumbai has come back on its feet.

The city displays its spirit in every resident. Students rushed to help people, gave them shelter in the hostels, the canteens provided food and strengthened the very foundation that these abhorable acts tried to loosen. Salaam Mumbai!

Bloggers have done their bit. The Mumbai Help blog was a place for people stranded in office with jammed phone networks to communicate with their near and dear ones. It has has a list of people injured and dead and emergency numbers. Blood donations are required today and just like it has happened earlier, Mumbai will not be short of it. If you want to personally participate - visit Indian Blood Donors.

Its time now for India to act. Its policy of non-violence is being taken as that of defeat. Repeatedly we are being targeted by these cowards who hide behind the mob and attack. Come on India!

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